Multiple forms: 176 multiple-choice items each.įour sections 50 items each. Multiple forms: 184 multiple-choice items each. Multiple forms: 200 multiple-choice items each. The content of the CCMSA items resembles the content of those in the multiple-choice component of Step 3 of the USMLE. The CCMSA uses information typically covered in clinical encounters. Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Self-Assessment (CCMSA).The content of the CCSSA items resembles the content of those in Step 2 CK of the USMLE. The CCSSA uses multiple-choice items based on information typically covered during the core clinical clerkships. Comprehensive Clinical Science Self-Assessment (CCSSA).The content of the CBSSA items resembles the content of those in Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®). The CBSSA uses multiple-choice items based on information typically covered during basic science medical education courses. Comprehensive Basic Science Self-Assessment (CBSSA).The NBME offers three web-based self-assessments to medical students and graduates evaluating their readiness to take USMLE: We hope that our readers will find these resources helpful in their learning. Today, in this article, we are going to share with you NBME STEP 1 (1-20, 24) & CK CMS free download. ALL MBBS Books PDF 2022 – Free Download.